Terri Gallagher

Terri Gallagher is an international speaker and writer as well as a seasoned talent solutions executive and workforce strategy architect. She is the founder of Gallagher and Consultants, a consultancy firm that provides innovative strategies for small-mid size clients to optimize their contingent labor and integrate into effective total workforce strategies. Follow Terri on Twitter @GallagherandCo1 or connect with her on LinkedIn.    

Content authored by Terri Gallagher

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AI Technology is Putting More People Back to Work


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” ~Arthur C. Clark AI Technology is replacing the “humans” for sourcing and engaging candidates. …and that’s a good thing. Technology frees up… Read more

NOW is the Time to Implement Direct Sourcing


Why Direct Sourcing and Talent pools will be the New Normal after COVID-19   “Never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an… Read more

Empower the Disabled Workforce To fill the Talent Gap


  “When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.”~ Steve Pavlina A caveat to the title; “with a few adjustments.”  I didn’t… Read more

This Year’s Big Challenge: Integrating the Rapid Growth of On-Demand Talent


The age of the gold watch is dead. The relationship between employers and employees has dramatically changed. It used to be that we went to work for a company, stayed… Read more

The Liquid Workforce: It’s Not Science Fiction, It’s Our New Normal


Today, some 38 percent of workers say they feel more comfortable working as an agile employee (aka independent) than a permanent employee. Why? Here are the Top 3 reasons: “Flexibility… Read more

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